There are many articles out there giving information that is not entirely correct when it comes to increasing domain authority. Some people are intentionally misinforming the internet, but the majority do not really know what they are talking about and are sharing their ignorance with everyone else.
If you ever come across information that says you can improve domain authority by writing SEO content, ignore that. Content may work for SEO but domain authority needs links and that is where stacking comes in. This article will enlighten you on this method.
What is Domain Authority Stacking?
This is an SEO strategy that uses tiers of sites to link to a money site that is given domain authority. It is almost like creating a chain of sites with different authority levels and then using the different links to improve the ranking of the main website.
Often, the lower tiers are boosted using automated tools, you could compare it to tier link building. Most of the linking in domain authority stacking are manually done which makes the difference.
Factors That Affect Domain Authority
Sometimes even when you seem to be doing things right, your DA can still be negatively affected. This could be because of the following reasons:
– The competition, especially the ones ahead in the game have done a better job of link building than you.
– You earned links from poorly ranked sites so they do not count for much
– You earned low links in the period of 30 to 90 days
Generally, there is a lot to do with links and how you get them. Domain authority hinges greatly on getting your links right. You need to be able to have quality links to your website in order to get positive domain authority.
Getting a Favorable Domain Authority Rank
Since we are talking about improving this metric, it is good to define what goals should be set. DA is a metric that can be ranked from zero to a hundred and different situations may count as favorable. A score of 50 would be considered favorable when doing manual linking. You can, however, score below 50 and still have a decent score, for example, a score of 30 for an expired domain would be a decent score.
How Effective is Stacking?
You will probably find a number of opinions on this method of improving the domain authority. Some will argue for and probably an equal number will argue against it. In most cases, you will find that people selling something related to stacking will have a number of positives about it. The main thing though is to give it a try and see how it all pans out for you.
There is however evidence that it does work which makes it worth the try but it would be good to understand that there are also variables that affect its effectiveness which is why there are arguments against its potential.
If you have the money to invest, you could try other options that involve investing in high-quality backlinks that point back to your site. This could mean using guest posts, expired links, and PBN. These will work if you have the money to spend. If however, you do not have a fat wallet for domain authority ranking, then stacking would be a good choice.
Choosing Sites to Use for Domain Stacking
Social media sites provide the perfect opportunity for domain stacking. Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are commonly used with positive results. There are a lot more sites that can be interlinked and the results would be impressive.
For the tier 1 site, Tumblr may be a great option since you will need to have a lot of links and content there. The experts recommend you choose a site that can accommodate diverse content and links. WordPress and Yola are also sites that will give great results. You may need to experiment with other sites to see which other options you have.
Dynamics of Domain Authority Stacking
Like so many other techniques in SEO and ranking, domain authority stacking is not static, it has gone through a number of changes and sometimes you may mistake it for a different technique. When you talk to experts from different SEO companies, they will introduce you to a method that may seem different, but in essence, it is derived from DAS. The names may sound different and some practices may have been improved but the basics of stacking can still be traced in there.
The way it is implemented can have a huge impact on how effective it is. Some people will employ it in a lazy manner that will make it less effective. It is important to be aware of these changes in how it is implemented in order to get the best out of it.
Using Automation
In most cases, Das processes are done by hand, but it is possible to automate some processes like the syndication of posts. You can easily re-post content from your RSS feed to different 2.0 sites. There catch though is ensuring that you do not end up with duplicate content which will result in you being penalized.
There is also the debate on whether this is black hat or not. If you implement the strategy correctly, you should not have any problems.
Final Words
This is only the tip of the iceberg that we have covered here. There is a need for deeper research to uncover a lot of the potential stacking has to offer. At the same time, you would need to decide whether it is really for you and why you are doing it. If you are in a tight corner with very few options available, domain authority stacking is always a welcome option that will cost a lot less than some of the other options out there. Getting it right though is important for you to see good returns over a period of time.